Another Frosty Morning

This frosty morning was in our Colorado home. We had a long visit over the Christmas season and were able to spend some time outdoors as well as with our family. This day we were out on the Poudre River trail, east of Windsor.

Our intent was primarily to get out and get some exercise, but the landscape was painted with frost, and the rising sun struck diamonds off each branch and blade. Our pictures can’t fully capture the view you see when your cheeks are rosy and your hair is frosted from your steaming breath. I think I’m ok with that.

We encountered a fox, a coyote and a few whitetail deer. Though we weren’t looking particularly for ducks, we stirred some up as well as some geese, holding still to hear the sound of their wings their off the water.

It was a morning outing well-worth the extra layers.

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